Nov 21, · The T72AV has 71s reload The most popular British tank at 97, Vickers Mk7 has stock 78 or full 69 second reload And it has the same ready rack BS which drops to 10s reload after first few rounds Few use the Challenger 1 sincePremium account for 15 days;Buy your Official TEC Merchandise https//teespringcom/stores/tecofficialstoreSupport my work on Patreon https//wwwpatreoncom/TheEuropeanCanadianSupp

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The premium T72AV TURMST is the 03 export version, equipped with an Italian TURMST fire control system and highresolution thermal vision for both gunner and commander The armour on the tank was also reinforced with "Kontakt1" reactive armour, that provided increased protection against HEAT shells and increased crew survivabilityI've been playing War Thunder since 13 and I've achieved Rank V in multiple tech trees so I'm no stranger to high(er) tier matches I know top tier is a totally different ballparkForum War Thunder World of Tanks;

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War Thunder T72AV (TURMST) (English/Chinese/Korean Ver) Gaijin Distribution KFT Rp 9,000 Add to Cart Add to Cart Rp 9,000 Add to Cart Add to Cart Ingame purchases optional Online play required 1 player 32 network playersFeb 01, 21 · T72AV is just modernized T72A and the 'V' stands for ' vzryvnoi' which means 'explosive' due to it being T72A Kontakt1 ERA Kontakt 1 offers no extra KE protection (5mm at most), its purpose is to defeat HEAT ammunition According to Wiki, T72A upper glaces has 4004mm KE protection© 09—21 by Gaijin Network Ltd Gaijin and War Thunder are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Gaijin Network Ltd or its licensors, all other logos are

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